European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg

EMBL Imaging Centre
EMBL Imaging Centre

I wrote and edited 20,000 words of gallery and digital text for the World of Molecular Biology, the first public facing exhibition of this world-leading scientific institution. Twenty-eight countries collaborate in the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), which has laboratories in six countries, and a headquarters in Heidelberg. In 2023 they opened their first major exhibition about their ground breaking research and its implications for understanding the human body and health as well as the past and future evolution of life on Earth. The exhibition itself is set within the thrilling new EMBL Imaging Centre so we could interpret and engage visitors with the live laboratory setting.

The World Of Molecular Biology, EMBL
The World Of Molecular Biology, EMBL

During the course of my key role on this project, I developed an understanding of many complex, cutting edge areas of biological science and their potential impacts on society. This knowledge formed the basis of text and interpretation I developed to appeal to non-specialist audiences while embodying absolute scientific accuracy. Fortunately the EMBL scientists were great to work with and heavily invested in engaging general audiences in their work. I also collaborated with the exhibition design team at Haley Sharpe, graphic designer Eva Klose digital developers from Yipp and ShoSho, EMBL communications staff and translators through stages of storyboarding, drafting, technical checking and translation. I developed text for graphic panels, labels and models; linear AV, digital interactive and virtual reality exhibits; QR code mobile accessed threads of further information and a 3D virtual tour.